Friday, October 7, 2011

Another Package!

THANKS BUDDY!  Jennifer (my 2nd oldest sister, the one that lived in Hawaii now lives in California) sent me this monster box of goodness the day after I wrote my last post.  It is funny that I have to add all that description in with her name, but because I have so many sisters it helps my friends understand which one I'm talking about.

Well because of all these packages I was able to sit down and enjoy this lunch the other day!

It may not look like much but having a PB&J with some Keebler's Cheese on Cheese crackers and a Captain America fruit snack is definitely a mini trip home.  Thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome. I know you did not mention fruit snacks but really I just had to buy them because they were "Captain America"...thought you could share them with your Chinese friends (more to come I got them at Costco). PB&J great idea, let me guess, mom? Remember don't ration more are coming! Love you and am so proud of you! Jenn for us
