Friday, June 10, 2011

The Story Becomes a Trilogy: Summer Part 3

The day is now wisdom teeth extraction plus 2.  Last night I slept in my bed rather than the couch in the living room.  It resulted in one glorious night of sleep, but one super swollen face in the morning since my head wasn't elevated.  So, another day without great plans means another day to blog on past events.  (Don't worry this many updated in one week will probably never happen again.  Sorry If I'm tiring you out already)

I got really tired of having my hands preoccupied with bags of ice so I rigged this fashion setting piece up.  I look like a burn victim, but an old knee wrap holds the ice to my face pretty conveniently and leaves my hands free for all kinds of exciting activities like book holding, blogging, Facebooking, channel flipping, texting, and most impressive, Wii Tennis Tournaments.  (Sadly my dad has told me how good I am getting.)

Anyways.  Soon after the wedding I hit the road for Keri's house (oldest sister).  The trip is about 900 miles through 7 of our great United States.  Most people do such trips in two days, I however prefer the "band aid" approach.  Just rip it off quickly.  Don't stop, unless for gas.   

Mile 1: Car loaded down and ready for a long day in the car.  Nicole gave me a Bluetooth last summer that I use when I travel long distances (thanks again).  They are required in New York and a few other states so just to be safe I usually where it the whole way up.  However, I always quickly take it off whenever I get out of the car for fear of being confused as "that guy."  (Sorry if you are reading this and you are that guy or girl.)

The sun was rising as I left Greenville soon after 6:00 am.

It was weird.  As I was leaving South Carolina I realized that it would be the longest I have been away from the state in 16 years!  Ever since we loaded up the 15 passenger van and drove down from Manassas, VA in the summer of 1995 after my dad retired from the Army and took the job in Camden.  Just then a new never before thought idea came rushing through my mind, "maybe I will miss this state after all."  I mean don't get me wrong, there are countless people "in" the state that I will miss daily.  However, the state itself I have never felt a great attachment to or love for... 

Next came over 330 miles of Virginia.  I believe it is my favorite state on the East Coast.  It has a hint of Southern charm, combined with a touch of the North.  Mild winters and summers.  And best of all mountains galore!  Beautiful!

I hit the halfway point somewhere in Virginia.

It is tough getting this pictures while committed to only stopping for gas.  I almost missed West Virginia.

It is always weird going from being in Virginia for 5 hours straight to going through West Virginia, Maryland, and into Pennsylvania in like an hour.

Unfortunately, after talking on my phone all morning it died while driving through Maryland.  I had to stop at Target to pick up a charger.

Hello Amish country.

Unbelievable!  After all those miles I missed!  I could of gotten a picture of York on a sign back in South Carolina.

This is in New York...that must be a LONG exit ramp.

I started getting a little delusional.  Does anyone else see a face on this pop?  Mouth, nose, eyes, and hair?  (He is facing left) 

Mile 895: I made it!  Even with a lot of construction and my 30+ minute stop at Target I made it in 13 1/2 hours.

And my reward?  A kiss and hug from this cutie!  (my niece Skylar)

And getting to meet this little guy for the first time.  (my nephew Finley)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at the comment about York. Love it!
