Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pre-Summer and Summer Part 1

There is a lot to cover so I will stay brief.

This past semester I was given the opportunity to student teach a third grade class at Plain Elementary in Simpsonville, SC.  This was one of the most challenging, learning packed, and rewarding experiences of my life.

I had 26 brilliant little minds from 7:45 to 2:25 each day. 

My day usual started at about 5:15 am since my school was 45 minutes away from my college, and didn't end till late in the library.

There was plenty of excitement, including being along for the ride of a car wreck at 75 miles per hour.  My fellow teacher and I carpooled each day and she was run off the road on our way home one day.  Thankfully no one was hurt.

Countless friendships were formed.  This was my cooperative teacher for the semester.  We spent A LOT of time together preparing for all that goes into feeding 26 young minds.  I learned so much from her and developed a great friendship along the way.

This blond bombshell was my teacher's daughter and self proclaimed girlfriend for the semester.  My afternoons typically comprised of sitting at my desk writing lesson plans for weeks to follow while this cute girl leaned her head against my upper arm and told me countless stories.  

However, she was a sick little girl and He took her home soon after midnight Easter morning April 24th.  She is dearly missed by everyone that spent a moment with her.  Especially this young teacher and friend.

Due to the sad phone call I received about loosing my teacher's daughter and my friend I was able to change my plans and stay in the classroom up to the day before graduation.  I was blessed to have a lot of family to share the day with me including my grandparents, parents, Uncle Robert, Aunt Kim, Aunt Nell (gracious host of my graduation party that afternoon), and sister Bekah.

Picture with some my fellow Early Childhood Education majors.  We all taught at Plain together.  (left to right) Eleanor Lyon, Anna Derrick, and Ashley Waldrop.  Great friends.

The next morning I was loaded onto a plane and sent by my parents to the beautiful islands of Hawaii for a graduation present.  12 incredible days!

There I was met by my darling niece Hannah (15 months) who I had only seen once a year before.

The parents of Hannah and my gracious hosts were Russell and Jennifer (sister) Foxworth.  They have been living on the island three years now as Russell flies C-17 for the U.S. Airforce.

I was lucky enough to coordinate the trip with another one of my older sisters, Nicole.  She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado and I haven't seen her but once in the past year.  It was great spending time with her for the last 5 days of her trip and the first of mine.

We had a blast!

Thanks again Mom, Dad, Jenn, Russell, and Nicole.  An unforgettable trip!

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