Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog Introduction

Purpose:  I have created this blog to keep all of my friends and family informed about my experiences while living in East Asia.  Much will be vague and indirect for necessary reasons.
Warning Clause: I am no English major, gifted writer, nor even clear conveyor of thoughts.  So, I apologize before hand and ask as you follow to read forgivingly. 
Blog name: Okay so I am sure you are probably wondering what in the world the title of my blog means.  The explanation is pretty embarrassing because I have never really written poetry and certainly never had people read it before.  However, I wrote a poem a few months back to kind of depict how I felt as a boy and young man growing up in the church, but never truly understanding Life till He revealed himself to me during my freshman year of college.  
Plastic Lion
I’m stuck on this carousel spinning around
going somewhere but no end is found.
I move up and down but all feels the same,
as the colors blur and I feel this shame.

Spinning and Spinning but with no pace,
I doubt if I could win this race.

Dizziness sets in as the hours turn days,
wondering if I will feel but haze.
Often it stops for weight to release,
But as weights replaced I feel it won’t cease.

And as I spin I sometimes glimpse,
the den in which the real are found.
Prowling around with confidence and zeal,
I wonder how I could ever feel real.

In a brief and non abstract explanation it is about going through the motions, but never with joy or true satisfaction.  When thinking about what to name my blog this kept coming up.  The poem that describes my redemption.  By His grace I am a plastic lion no more...


  1. Josh, what a beautiful Poem! Who knew you were such a poet. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. We are so proud of you, the decisions you have made, and the man you have become. We greatly respect you and pray for you daily!

    All our love,
    Jenn, Russell and Hannah

  2. Hey brotha!

    Looking forward to reading your blog!! Have an amazing adventure in East Asia! They will love you there! And as a fellow certified SC teacher, CONGRATULATIONS!!! i know how challenging that last semester was for you!! Finish strong!!

    love and laughs,

    sara giffin
